Saturday, February 21, 2009


Kent wrestled Jed Ferguson, from Parma, for 1st place. Kent has wrestled him 3 times this year. Once at the Magic Valley Tournament. Kent won by 2 points at that tournament. He wrestled him again at the Border Brawl Dual in Parma. Jed won that one. And again today they faced off. The only losses Jed has had all year is to Kent. So we knew that it was going to be an exciting match. We just didnt know how exciting! They were tied up 2-2 with seconds left in the match. Kent was on the bottom. All he needed was to get his escape and gain 1 point and he would win. Kent got to his feet but Jed had Kents head pinned into his chest. All Kent had to do was get his head free and he would win. The crowd was up on their feet and screaming. Kent pulled his head free and won the match with 1 second left!!!!
Kent will be competing at the State Wrestling Tournament in Pocotello next Friday and Saturday. He is ranked 2nd now in the State for A2 schools at 160 pounds.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The twins are home

Ashley and Josh were able to bring the twins home yesterday about noon. They brought them home and fed them and then I got to help give them their bath and dress them. I covered them in baby lotion. They smelled so yummy. That was followed by lots of kisses, of course. And then they brought them to see Grandpa (Grampy) Brown. He held them and loved on them. He was very happy to see them. And then they brought them to our house for the kids to see. We had all the kids take showers and change their clothes that they had on from school, before they held them. They were passed around alot! But they didnt seem to care. Bill was finally able to hold them for the first time last night. He has been sick for the past 2 weeks. So he only saw them on the day the were born. He didn't want to let them go when it was time for them to go home. It is wonderful to finally be able to have them home and hold them without being hooked up to a bunch of machines.

Monday, February 9, 2009

What are we doing?

So some of you are probably wondering about the rest of my family. Ashley called me on Saturday and asked me if I was going to use up all the space on my blog talking about the babies. I told her probably! :) So I thought I would take a few minutes and give you an update on the whole family.
Bill is still working at Teton Machine. They cut all of his overtime. Hurts the paycheck a little. But we are able to see more of him now. He has been going up to the wrestling room after work and working out with the wrestlers. He is really enjoying that. The blood clot in his leg is going down. He is feeling alot better now. They still have him on blood thinners. He will be on those for at least a year. He goes in and has blood tests taken at least once a month. That gives them a good idea of whether or not the blood thinners are working. He is teaching Cassandras sunday school class at church. The kids love him. He always brings them treats. He is a great teacher.
I am busy keeping things going at home. What a full time job! But I LOVE being home every day. I am blessed with 4 wonderful children that I watch every day. This allows me to supplement our income a little while still being able to stay home. I am still playing the piano in relief society. Most sundays it is very challenging to me. I am not the worlds best piano player. But the longer I have this calling the better I am getting. I enjoy playing again.
Kerry is still home. He is looking for a job. He is going to be going to Alaska this summer to work on a fishing boat with one of his mission companions. He is excited about that. He is dating a girl from our ward. Her name is Shelisa Slagle. They are enjoying one anothers company.
Ashley and Josh are enjoying the twins. They are looking forward to bringing them home. The doctor told them yesterday that the boys will be released some time this week. This makes everyone happy. Especially mom and dad. Ashley is healing well. She looks great!
Kent is wrestling. He is ranked 2nd in the state right now for A2 schools at 160 pounds. He has district wresting tournament in 2 weeks and then state wrestling tournament the next week. He dislocated his knee at the Weiser tournament this weekend so he is pretty sore right now. But thank heavens he has a couple of weeks to heal before he wrestles again. He is working hard right now to get ready to graduate from High school. He will be graduating in a couple of months.
Cassandra is in between sports right now. Which makes it great for me. I have a baby sitter home after school. This has allowed me to be able to attend the boys sporting events. She had the opportunity to go to the high school this past week and give a speech about her car accident and the importance of wearing a seat belt and not riding in the car with other teenagers. . She was a little nervous about that but did a great job.
Tristan is playing basketball for the 7th grade team. He loves basketball. He is pretty good at it. He went to a freinds house to play on Saturday. Actually there was a bunch of his friends there. As boys sometimes do, some of them got throwing rocks. They weren't throwing them at each other. But one of them hit Tristan just below the eye. He has a pretty big bruise on his face and a black eye. He was so lucky that didnt hit him directly in the eye. It is a wonder to me that boys make it out of there childhood alive!
Braxton, Tanner and Heidi are doing great. We have had the flu going around. Those three have all had it. As a mother, I just love when my children get the stomach flu! NOT!!! I dread it! I have cleaned up so much stuff lately that I am hoping that I can escape it myself. It will be a miracle if I do.
Well that is what is happening right now with our family. For this week anyway. I am hoping that I can get a camara soon so that I can start posting more pictures on here. Oh one more thing, it is snowing outside right now. I think I am officially tired of snow. I would love for spring to be here. I am looking forward to planting my garden and working in my yard again. Most of all, being able to send my children outside to play! :)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Together at last

Karder and Jarrit in the same bed. They were very happy to finally be together again.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Another day closer to coming home

They put Karder and Jarrit in the same crib today. They liked being close to one another again. They are both nursing today. Another day closer to going home. What a blessing.

Baby update

Ashley and Josh were able to get a room at the Ronald McDonald house.
It is by the hospital. They have it for at least 4 days. Maybe longer if no
one else is needing it. They are very pleased about that. She is able to go
home and nap during the day now. And they are closer to the boys. I
guess it is pretty large. It has a kitchen in it so they can make their meals
there. She said that it came with lots of food already in the cupboard and
refrigerator to eat. She said that it is well furnished with everything they
need. They are very happy about this.
As of last night, both boys are nursing now. And doing great at it. They
are both gaining weight. The nurse thought they would probably only be
there for another week maybe 2. It will be wonderful to get them home.
They are a week old today! I cant believe how time flies
