Thursday, May 21, 2009

some thoughts.....

It has been so long since I blogged. I am feeling guilty. Spring is a busy time of year around our house. Especially this year. Kent is finished with high school. He will be graduating tomorrow night. I am excited to blog about that! :) All the other children will be finished with school next friday. So I am gearing up for a house full of children for the summer. I will have 5 babysitting kids, 6 kids of my own, as well as friends, cousins and neighbors. That makes for a house full! Never a dull or boring moment at the Browns!
The one thing I LOVE about summer is ball games. It is so fun packing a cooler of food and bringing our lawn chairs, to spend our Saturdays at baseball games. I love it. It is a nice break from being in the house all week. I love watching my children play sports. Cassandra will be doing basketball tournaments this summer. Tristan, Braxton and Tanner are all playing baseball. We will have plenty of games to keep us busy, that is for sure.
Kerry is 22 years old today. I can't believe it! Honestly it feels just like yesterday that I had him. It has gone so fast. It makes me sad. But I am pleased with the way he has turned out, despite my mothering skills. :) He is a good kid. And I love him more than I could adequetely express.
My garden and flowers are planted. I am excited to get some canning done this year. I have been collecting more canning jars. I have lots to fill this year. So far I have canned 37 pints of strawberry and raspberry jam. It is a good start to the season.
I have been trying to loose some weight. After going through depression, I really put on some weight. I am finding it very difficult getting it off. I just tell myself to take it 1 day at a time. So far I have lost 22 pounds since April 8. Slowly but surely it will come off. Just have to keep walking every day and eatting right (thats the hard part).
Well this is long enough. I will blog about graduation next. Very exciting!!!!

1 comment:

Amberly said...

Great update! I am excited for Kent too, can't wait to see some pictures. Happy birthday to Kerry! I can't believe he is 22.

What a summer you have ahead of you. Won't be boring at your house.

Good job on the exercising and losing weight! You are an inspiration!!!
