Monday, August 30, 2010

School Days

For the first time in 23 years all my children are grown up or in school. I have had children in school for 19 years straight. By the time Heidi graduates it will be 31 years straight of kids in school! I will officially be a pro after all of that! That is hard to believe!
I knew it would be hard sending my baby away to school. I just didn't realize how hard. I cried all the way home. She loves school so much! I know she will do great. It is just an adjustment for mom.
I have 5 children going to 3 different schools this year. I told the kids Friday morning that I feel like a bus driver. I have 3 different stops to make to drop everyone off. But I love it! I love the fact that I can be there after school to hear all about their exciting days. It is one of the joys of being a mom.
Heidi getting ready for her first big day of kindergarten. After school she told me that her body loved school so much it thought that she needed to go back again!
Tanner and Heidi's first day of school. Tanner is in 3rd grade. Heidi is in kindergarten.
Braxton,Tristan and Cassandra's first day of school. Cassandra is a sophmore, Tristan a freshman and Braxton is in 6th grade. He is in middle school this year.


Amberly said...

They are all so grown up! I love the uniforms!! Heidi is too cute!

Ang said...

So sweet! I can't believe she's old enough to be in kindergarten! Did I miss something? Why Fruitland and why uniforms?

Unknown said...

I love that Fruitland has a uniform standard for the kids, and I hope New Plymouth will do the same eventually.

I can't believe you go 3 different places and have been doing school for 19 years! I have a LONG time to go still! I'm sure it was really hard to leave Heidi! I still don't like taking Emily and Dylan, I'd rather they stay little and home with me. :)

Heather's Blog said...

I can't believe they are all grown up. Seems like just yesterday I was sitting at your house holding one of my babies and you had little tiny ones running around - and sometimes new babies. You should be proud.

Mike and Tycie said...

Hello - Your blog is absolutely adorable with one of my backgrounds but I have noticed that the whole background isnt loading all the way - so I am going to have to delete the code you are using and re-upload the layout - so you will have to go back to Scrappin' Blogs and copy and paste the code! I hope that is okay!!??

Thanks for using our layouts!


Kaylyn said...
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Kaylyn said...

Thank you Tycie! I love your layouts! I have a fun time decorating my blog with them. They are very easy to use! Thank you for all your hard work. I am excited to see what else you come up with! Keep up the great work!
