Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Fall Sports

This was Tanners first year of playing football. He spent the season learning the sport. He was excited to finally get to play football.
This was Braxton's first year of playing soccer. He did a great job! He can run and run and run! He made a few goals this year for his team. Their team was undefeated.

At the beginning of the season, Tristan had to make a decision between soccer and football. He hates playing football. But he had never played soccer before. He didn't think he would like it. But after his first day of practice he loved it. He was the jv's goalie gaurd. Tristan found a new sport that he loves! He did a great job this season.

Cassandra started her soccer season as jv and varsity goalie. As well as goalie gaurd. Midway they put her in as forward for the varsity team. She did fantastic at that position. Their team won districts. Tomorrow they go to the State Tournament in Twin Falls. She will be their starting forward.

1 comment:

The Coburns said...

Oh my goodness I bet you are busy! How fun though! Cassandra looked beautiful for her fist date!
