Sunday, November 15, 2009

Kerry is engaged!

We are very excited to announce that Kerry is getting married! He is marrying Shalisa Slagle. She is a young woman in our ward that Kerry has been dating for a year. He met her about a month after he got home from his mission. Her family moved here from Washington, while Kerry was on his mission. Shalisa is the oldest of 9 children. She is smart, and beautiful. She is so sweet to Kerry. She will be a wonderful wife and mother someday. They haven't set a wedding date yet. But they are thinking it will be sometime in March. We are excited to have her as a new addition to our family.


Ang said...

Wow! I love that saying about a mother - and what a sweet baby! You got lucky since he's marrying someone from the ward. That means they'll stay close by hopefully! Or at least double the reason to visit more. How wonderful!

Kaylyn said...

I know Ang! I am very happy about that!! I have always told my kids that I don't want them far away from me. I want them on their own. Just not to far away. :) We'll see just how many of them listened to me. I hate the thought of my kids living far away.

The Coburns said...

WOW Congrats, that is soooo exciting! Don't forget to send us and invite in McCall he, he! WEll I might still be here!

Amber Stice said...

Congrats!!!! They make such a cute couple. I love it!!!
