Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Tale of a Working Mother

I have always considered myself a "working mother". Whether I am home all day or working outside of the home. I am busy. A mothers job is never done. Along with all the duties at home that require my attention every day, I babysit 6 children plus Heidi. I have had all of these children from the time they were little babies. So they have grown up with me. They know my routine, my rules and I love them to pieces. I do not look forward to the day that they will no longer be coming to my home.
When Kent graduated from High School last May, he and I sat down at the computer and started filling out applications. One of the applications we filled out was to Walmart. After we filled out his application, I decided to fill one out for myself. Why did I do that? I have NO idea!!! I filled it out and never gave it another thought. I forgot all about it. Until I recieved a phone call Sunday night, March 14. Ten months after I filled out my application! Walmart wanted to know if I would come in for an interview. At first I couldnt figure out why they would be calling me. And then I remembered! So I went in on Monday and had 3 interviews. They hired me to work overnights in their Lawn and Garden Department. Not like I didn't have enough to do! I now have two full time jobs!
At first I couldn't understand why I got this job. But I knew that it was something that I was supposed to do. The next day I began to have a little deeper understanding of just how blessed I am. The General Manager came in to speak to us at our Orientation Meeting. He told us that Walmart has had a hiring freeze since October. They have hired no one. Not even for Christmas. Of the hundreds of applications 6 of us where chosen. I know without a shadow of a doubt that the Lord knows each and every one of us. He knows our needs even before we do. I know that I have been praying that we will have a way to get Bill a car. His is dying. We do CPR on it every once in a while just to keep it going a little longer. But it is not going to last forever. And we do not want to take out a big loan to get a new one. I have also prayed that we will have enough income to keep Kent out on his mission. The Lord knows these needs and others that may arise. And he has answered those prayers. I will only be working 120 days. Because this job is seasonal. But it will be enough to meet those needs that are before us.
Do I think this will be easy. NO! But I do know that the Lord will make me equal to the challenge that is before me.


Ang said...

Sounds like a huge blessing. It will be tough, but luckily you know it won't last forever! Good luck! I hope everything goes well and you enjoy the job!

Heather's Blog said...

I'm sure it will be hard, but you can do it. You are superwoman!! Just don't get hooked on energy drinks :)

Kaylyn said...

Heather, I don't think I need to worry about energy drinks! I hate those things!! I think my heart would beat out of my chest, literally, if I ever drank one!
