Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I believe

A certain church comes to my door about once a month a leaves me a couple of their magazines. I am always respectful to them and their beliefs. Even though I do not agree 100% with them. This particular magazine caught my eye. It says, "Exposed: Six Myths About Christianity." INTERESTING. So I sat down this afternoon and read through as much as I could. But before I was finished with the first one, I wanted to cry. I wanted to shout from the rooftops! NOOOO!!!!Their Myth #1 "The Soul is Immortal" Their "Fact" AT DEATH A PERSON CEASES TO EXIST. They believe that God gave us the "breath of life" and that is to mean litarally "breath". When we die and stop breathing we stop existing. This makes my stomach hurt. It is the saddest thing I have ever heard. I cannot imagine my Heavenly Father (God) ever wanting me to stop existing. I believe that he knows each and every one of us perfectly. He loves us with a perfect love. I believe that we were sent here to this earthly life to gain a body of flesh and bones. I believe that while we are here that we will be tested and tried. And that by so doing we will become stronger and better people. I believe that our Heavenly Father (God) wants us to live with him again. "Ceasing to exist" does not sound like Gods plan.
Myth #2 "The Wicked Suffer in Hell" Their Fact: "God does not punish people in hell." Because I believe in God, I believe in a Heaven and a Hell. I believe that someday we will stand before our maker (whether you believe it or not) and we will be judged. He will want an accounting of what we did with our time on earth. I live my life every day with that knowledge. Am I scared of that day. No. But I will be prepared. I also believe that God sent his only begotten Son, Jesus Christ to the earth. He was beaten, spit upon, called horrible names. He bled at every pore. He was nailed onto the cross and died. He died to Atone for our sins. Why would he do that, if there was no Heaven and Hell. Or if we just "stopped existing". There would be no purpose. This is why he is called our Savior and our Redeemer.
I will not go into the rest. But I just felt very compelled after reading that to write my feelings and my testimony down.
I know that God lives. I know that he is perfect. I know that he has a plan for each and every one of us. He loves us. He knows us by name. I know that someday I will live with Him again. And I will be reunited with those that have passed on that I love so dearly. They will be waiting to greet me with open arms when I pass through the veil. I am thankful for this knowledge. I am thankful to be a Daughter of God.

1 comment:

Ang said...

Thanks for sharing your testimony. You are a true example of a Christian just by the way you treat people. It is eye opening and disheartening to hear what other church's believe sometimes because they don't have the truth. And people wonder why we send out missionaries!! Why shouldn't everyone know about God's plan of happiness for his children?!!!!
