Sunday, September 12, 2010


My friend, Malya, gave us 4 bushels of peaches this year from off her tree. They were beautiful early Alberta peaches. The skins slip right off of them. You dont even need to use a knife to peal them. Four bushels of ripe peaches on a school day usually means disaster. But my kids all stepped in and helped. The 3 youngest helped after school on Friday. Tristan, Ashley, Josh and the babies helped out on Saturday. Together we got the job done. It was great team work. Now we have over 100 quarts of yummy peaches to enjoy this winter!

After I blanched the peaches I put them into cold water. The boys job was to peal and pit the peaches. They did an awesome job! As you can tell they actually had fun doing it.
Everyone hard at work
Heidi's job was to load the strainer with peaches. And then I would put them into the water to be blanched. She was a big helper!
The babies even got into the action. Karder and Jarrit thought it was great fun to help Heidi load the peaches into the strainer to be blanched. Ashley and Josh also came to help. We got alot done! By the way, excuse Heidi's hair. She just got out of the bathtub right before I took this picture. I didn't even think about combing it before I took this picture. Poor little girl looks like an orphan! Oh well, such is life at our house!
Our favorite thing to do with peaches:Put peaches in the blender with some ice. To make peach nector. The kids drink it and think it is delicious! It makes a great after school snack. I can't get them to sit down and eat a bowl of peaches. But they wont hesitate to drink them. Silly kids!

1 comment:

Amberly said...

Delicious!! I remember drinking nectar when we were little!
