Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Karder Bill and Jarrit James Byers

Ashley went into labor at 12:30 am Tuesday morning. Josh called me at 2:00 and said that Ashley was in alot of pain and needed her mom now! So I rushed right over. Dad and Elroy Huff came about 2:30 and gave her a blessing. Josh asked me to drive Ashley while he grabed a few things from home. Ashley was in a lot of pain. I was a nervous wreck. I was feeling everyone of her pains. I kept thinking "so this is what Bill felt like" It was weird being on the other end. I got to the emergency room at St Lukes and went in and told them that I had my daughter in the van. She is 33 weeks pregnant with twins and in alot of pain. 5 nurses ran out, put her in a wheelchair and whisked her off to labor and delivery. The doctor came into check her. They wanted to see if there was any chance these babies could be born without c section. He checked her and said "Ummm she is dialated to an 8 and I feel a babies bottom. Labor and delivery came alive. A whole team of people came. They had the babies born in 5 minutes. The doctor told us afterwords that she was only a couple of minutes away from delivering those babies breech.
Kader Bill was born first. He weighed 4 lb 3 oz 17 1/4 inches long. He is perfectly healthy. He is tiny and very layed back and calm.
Jarrit James was born second. He weighed 4 lb 9 oz 17 1/2 inches long. His lungs were not developed enough. He is having alot of respritory distress. They had him on oxygen to start with. And then they put him on a c pap machine. Like they use for people that have sleep apnia. Today he was doing worse. It was wearing him out and he was crying alot. So the doctor told them to intubate him. 3 resperitory therapist, an RN and a doctor worked together and intubated him (put a tube into his lungs to breath for him) and then they gave him some serfacton. Serfacton is used to help the lungs develop faster. The doctor thinks he will be breathing much better after this.


Gina Hallam said...

WOW!!!! That was super fast. I'm so happy to see that those babies are here safely. Jarrit James is in our prayers. Tell Ashley congrats for me and give that sweet momma and those precious babies loves for me :)

Amberly said...

They are so cute, and so tiny! Ashley is a champ!!!

Heather's Blog said...

This is crazy! They came a lot quicker than I expected. We just saw you guys. Although, she looked like there was no more room to go. I'm so excited that they are here.

AmyDawn said...

I'm so glad that you were able to be there for Ashley! What a trooper she is! The babies are simply precious and I hope Jarrit starts breathing on his own soon. How does it feel to be a Grandma? Be sure to get a 5 generation picture with Grandma Winegar!

Linda Gibbs said...

Yay~! They're here!! Hope Jerrit gets better fast, fast!! I am so proud of Ash and of course, you, Grandma!! You! A grandma! WOW!
