Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Earthquake in Haiti

Because I use my blog as a journel. I want to include this post so that I can refer to it in the years to come. I think this tragidy is on a large scale. It is something that we can learn from. And that we should remember for years.

I can't help but think of those poor people in Haiti. An earthquake ravaged this land over the weekend. It is so sad. So tragic. I was at Grandma and Grandpa Winegars house Sunday evening. I sat and watched 60 minutes with them. I was sickened when I saw a section of Haiti just piled with dead bodies. They estimated 50,000-100,000 dead the day of the earthquack. By Monday the numbers had rose to 200,000. Along with 1.5 million homeless. Many more dying by the hour from their injuries. It looked like the Holocaust! They were trying to get rid of all these bodies because of the smell and disease. They said that they could hardly keep up. They had backhoes and they where literally scooping up bodies and dumping them into dump trucks. They where dumping these bodies into mass graves. I told Grandma that the sad part about all that is that no one is going to know where their family members are. Are they dead or alive? No records are being kept. So if they are dead, no one will know where they have been buried. But I am positive that the Angels in heaven are keeping a record. The Lord know each and everyone of them. They are in his care now. I was reading on the church website this morning about the church relief in Haiti. The church has sent 85,000 pounds of supplies to Haiti. All the missionaries in Haiti are accounted for and safe. They are helping to distribute and unload all of these supplies. I bet they never dreamed that was going to be their mission when they got their mission call. What a mission! All of the churches in Haiti where for the most part undamaged. They are being used to house 4000 people right now. When I hear things like this I realize that through all of the tragedy the Lord is there. I pray that He will send the help and comfort that those poor people need at this time.


Ang said...

I couldn't help but think of the massive overload of people joining the spirit world. The Lord must need some work done there so he called a lot of his children home. It is so cool that the missionaries were all safe. It just keeps feeling so much closer to the end doesn't it?

Kaylyn said...

I agree totally with you Angela!
