Monday, January 11, 2010

Weight Loss Progress

Well everyone it has been a week. I am right on track with my goals. I have worked very hard this week. I made sure that I worked out every day for an hour and a half, accept Sunday. I kept my calories under 900 calories a day. My calories were made up of good healthy food. So my first weigh in: I lost 11 pounds this week! :)


Unknown said...

Great job!! How are you doing it? I need the lose some too.

Amber Stice said...

Holy Cow! That is AWESOME!!! You will have to give me some advise in a couple months because heavens knows what you have lost I have found. ;)

Kaylyn said...

Amanda and Amber thank you for your compliments! That was very nice! So here is a little run down of what I do every day. I am working out on my elliptical for 45 min. 6 days a week and I have the Biggest Looser Boot Camp video. I do that as soon as I am off my elliptical. Between the elliptical, the video and everything else I do during the day I burn around 3500 calories a day. In addition I am eatting very healthy. I write down everything I eat and how many calories they are. I keep my calories under 1000 a day. I eat often, so that I never really get hungry. I also made a goal chart and hung it on my closet in my room. When I accomplish my goal I put a pretty star sticker next to it. I am a visual person. So I helps me keep track of what I do. It also makes me feel accountable. And last, but not least, I have an award waiting for me when I accomplish my goal. Some days that is the only thing that will get me on that elliptical! It's a great motivation! Good Luck!

Ang said...

Wowwwww!! That is amazing. You could be on Biggest Loser! I'm impressed. It sure makes you want to keep working when you have such a great week. I bet you'll be feeling really good soon too!

Kaylyn said...

Thanks Angela!!!!! I don't think I could ever do Biggest Looser!

Amber Stice said...

Ok even bigger HOLY COW!!! You are motivated! I can't do 20 min on my elliptical right now. (ok so I am pregnant.) but still you must be dying after 45 min that's amazing! What is the boot camp video all about? Another workout? You better be rewarding yourself w/a MAJOR shopping trip at the end of all this.

Kaylyn said...

Thanks Amber! That book camp video is mostly weight lifting and toning. It does have some cardio to it. All I know is that my muscles are like a limp noodle by the time I am finished with it!
I am actually going to get a new Kindle from Amazon! I love those things so I am pretty excited!
I am very impressed that you are going 20 min. on your elliptical being pregnant that is hard! Be careful those thing can kick your can! You are so beautiful I don't know why you are even worrying a minute about it! Just enjoy your pregnany. I am excited for you!

Amber Stice said...

Thanks! You are way too sweet!

Oh, I haven't been on elliptical in probably 2 months. I am way too lazy for that at this point in my pregnancy. I am 33wks and counting down!!!
